Are You Prepared?

This page contains useful links and videos to help you prepare for all manner of emergencies. Go to our Amateur (Ham) Radios page to get an overview of what it takes to get license. Radios are often the only reliable way to communicate after a disaster.

Personal Preparation

Here are some great resources for creating kits and otherwise getting yourself and your family prepared for all types of emergencies:

Fire Safety Resources

  • Watch the NFPA video on preparing your home against firebrands / ember storms. Dr. Jack Cohen, Fire Science Researcher with the USDA Forest Service, explains current research about how homes ignite during wildfires, and the actions that homeowners can take to help their home survive the impacts of flames and embers. Featuring footage from the IBHS Research Center showing ember experiments on full-scale structures, this primer helps explain the basic steps to protect homes, and shows where to find more information.

  • Check out's Wildfire site for projects to help you protect your property from fire damage.

  • The National Fire Protection Association has many useful resources in the wildfire public education section.

  • PG&E's Safety Action Center has helpful information about wildfire risks and what you can do before, during and after an emergency to keep your family safe.

Interactive California Hazard Maps

Enter your address into these maps to see what hazards exist near your home.

  • Cal OES, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, provides the MyHazards site as a tool for the general public to discover hazards in their area (earthquake, flood, fire, and tsunami).

  • The California Department of Conservation provides the California Earthquake Hazards Zone Application ("EQ Zapp") online map to allow you to check whether your property is in an earthquake hazard zone.

Earthquake Resources

  •'s Earthquakes page provides you with useful information to prepare yourself and your household.

  • The HayWired scenario examines a hypothetical earthquake and its aftermath (potentially 90 days without utilities and services in San Mateo County).