Program Overview

Officially, this area is organized into two tactical branches: Branch 1 covers the area from Devil’s Slide to Frenchman’s Creek Road and Branch 2 covers the area from Frenchman’s Creek Road to Tunitas Creek Road. In practice, Branches 1 and 2 operate jointly with the Program Coordinator handling day-to-day responsibilities for both branches as directed by Chief Cosgrave. 

Coastside CERT Branch 1 covers the area from Devil's Slide to Frenchman's Creek Road and Branch 2 covers the area from Frenchman's Creek Road to Tunitas Creek Road.

Organizational Structure

Coastside CERT is a 100% volunteer organization. We are a registered and certified California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with an operating budget funded entirely by donations from our community.  Our fiscal sponsor is the Coastside Fire Protection District. 

Coastside CERT is officially registered with FEMA and the State of California with the following details.

Mission Statement 

Coastside CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is an emergency preparedness volunteer organization focused on creating a ready and resilient community along the San Francisco Bay Area coast from the southern side of the Tom Lantos Tunnel (Devil’s Slide) to Tunitas Creek Road. We work to protect our own, our families, and our neighbors' lives, the environment, and property through emergency preparation, disaster response, emergency first aid and rescue actions, and public education. 

Program Implementation

Our goal is to create a prepared and resilient community that will have an orderly and calm response to an emergency, disaster or prolonged utilities disruption. Additionally, we connect neighbors so that the community works cohesively and effectively together. Coastside CERT accomplishes these goals with a core leadership team supporting dual synergistic programs:

Our training program ensures that, when officially activated, our CERTs will be the source of reliable, actionable information for first responders and be visible and useful resources for the neighborhoods.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program

CERT is a national program that trains the general public in basic disaster preparedness, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Here on the Coastside, Chief Cosgrave also covers hazards specific to our coastal community.

Coastside CERT provides free basic emergency preparedness training program, advanced CERT courses, refresher courses, and special topic presentations. For information about our 2024 training opportunities, please see our Home Page

LISTOS Program

LISTOS ( is a state-wide grassroots disaster preparedness program that can be tailored to meet the individual needs of Spanish-speaking and Chinese and senior communities. Family-oriented and taught in multiple languages, the program is delivered in a format that is both culturally and linguistically appropriate for the target population. Classes are held in person and via Zoom. 

Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness 

Coastside CERT’s Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness is a local, homegrown grassroots program that relies on community involvement. Neighborhoods are meeting to define their own priorities and organize themselves around three objectives:

We encourage all levels of participation:

We can’t do everything at once, but we can make progress towards resilience in small, coordinated steps, emphasizing common sense communications, cooperation, resource management, and risk mitigation. 

As of February 1, 2025 our neighborhood overview is:

For more details on each neighborhood, please see the Roster Summary spreadsheet and our Neighborhoods > Get Involved page. 

Why is Emergency Preparedness Important?

While we are part of the larger Bay Area, we only have two, mostly two-lane roadways leading in and out, which greatly increases our chances of complete isolation in a regional disaster. We are subject to: pandemics, earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, mudslides, road washouts, treefalls, flooding, bridge destabilization, tunnel closures, and utility and telecommunications disruptions.

Local Sister CERT Organizations

Coastside CERT fits into a larger regional network of adjoining CERT organizations:

Program: South Coast CERT (Branch 3) 

 Program: South Skyline CERT (Branch 4)

 Program: Kings Mountain CERT 

Other regional CERT Programs:

Other Local Volunteer Organizations

CERT is just one of many local volunteer emergency response programs making a difference in our community. We coordinate with Coastside Emergency Action Plan (CEAP)Half Moon Bay Amateur Radio Club (HMBARC)Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), Large Animal Evacuation Group (LAEG), Red Cross Shelter Operations CommitteePeninsula Humane SocietyDisaster Airlift Response Team (DART), and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), as well as local social service agencies. Coastside CERT liaises with and is working toward a unified emergency response plan with local and county government agencies.